
Schülerblog des Gymnasiums ,,Am Breiten Teich" Borna

Podcast: GET ACTIVE!

Emily und Maximilian bringen euch in ihrem englischen Podcast das Projekt ,,Schule ohne Rassismus, Schule mit Courage“ näher. Hört rein!

zum Nachlesen…

Emily: Hello, I’m Emily Wienczek. I’m in the 12th grade and attend the „Gymnasium Am Breiten Teich“ in Borna. I have always been clear about speaking out against any form of discrimination.

Max: Hello, I’m Maximilian Kitze. I also attend the 12th grade and go to the same school in Borna as Emily. I share the same opinion as Emily, and I am very happy that our school has a project against this issue. Today we would like to introduce you to the school project “Schule ohne Rassismus, Schule mit Courage“ and inform you about what we can do together against discrimination.

Emily: I can only agree with that. Through the project „Schule ohne Rassismus, Schule mit Courage“, we have become aware of this issue again. This project is a connected group of people for exchanging experiences regarding efforts against racism and discrimination in our society. A lot of students are interested in this school network and want to create schools
where discrimination, racism, and bullying have no place and where a respectful and open approach is taken. I am thrilled with this idea.

Max: Me too. Furthermore, I think it’s great that this project is not an isolated effort of our school. A total of 27 schools participate, which are located in Leipzig and the surrounding area. For example, schools in Wurzen, Markkleeberg, or Geithain are also involved in this project. By
doing so, these schools commit themselves to actively combating racism and discrimination and to regularly carry out projects on this topic. Regular meetings take place in Saxony every year where engaged students exchange their ideas.The students should become active themselves and develop ideas and measures for implementation. The initiative also wants to
raise awareness of everyday racism and create awareness for this issue. Through active participation of the students, a climate of tolerance and respect at schools should be promoted. This is very important, because sayings like:

Emily: “You speak German very well.“
Max: “People like you don’t belong here.“
Emily: “This wouldn’t have happened in the past.“

Max: are almost daily occurrences in Germany and hurt our fellow human beings.

Emily: In my opinion, this project is really necessary. Let me share an experience I gained while going by bus. An older man asked a younger girl, who obviously came from another country, to stand up and give him her seat. The girl did not understand the man. The man then became louder and shouted through the bus that it cannot be that she is in this country
and does not speak our language. I was terrified by this overreaction shown by this man in this situation , but even worse, no one intervened and the man continued to talk to the girl. Then I thought about what I could do without escalating the situation and offered the man my seat. He, however, declined my offer and told me to my face that it was a matter of principle. I could not say anything in response and wondered how it can still be that
such thoughts are still being expressed today. It is even more extreme that he shouted at a child who did not understand the situation in public.

Max: That’s terrible. Just the fact that the man asked a girl to give him her seat. What I find even more terrible is the racist background behind it and that he shouted at this girl in public. I think it’s sad that such behavior is tolerated and that few people speak out against it. Have you witnessed similar situations often?

Emily: Unfortunately. This story is really the most extreme of all.

Max: I can imagine. I have never experienced such situations in public, but I also have a story. This one goes in the direction of discrimination against homosexual people and cyberbullying. About a year ago, I saw a homosexual man post a picture with his partner on Facebook. When I read the comments afterwards, I was horrified to see that many negative
hate comments were posted under this post. I commented that I was appalled by how many people nowadays are still not open to something like this and that everyone should be free to choose their partner. I didn’t even say anything offensive or negative towards these closed-minded people. When I wanted to read the same comments again a week later, I saw a wave of hate comments under my comment. They were so mean that I don’t even want to mention them here.

Emily: Precisely because something like this still happens nowadays, I believe that we can change something with this project and enable a more peaceful and respectful coexistence in the future. “Schule ohne Rassismus, Schule mit Courage“ is the perfect place to raise awareness against discrimination and to open our eyes so we can help people in need.“

Max: Where should we start if not at school? The earlier we teach children these positive values, the more likely they are to hold onto these values in the future. And thus, we achieve a more respectful coexistence.

Emily: I absolutely agree. Furthermore, everyone should start reflecting on their own behavior and questioning their own prejudices. During „Schule ohne Rassismus, Schule mit Courage“ we discuss our behavior and how to overcome racial prejudice. More schools and people should join and support this or similar projects.

Max: Of course. We should also watch our language and simply not speak out funny but still discriminatory comments.

Emily: Therefore, we appeal to you: GET ACTIVE!

Mehr Informationen zum Projekt ,,Schule ohne Rassismus – Schule mit Courage“ findest du hier:

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